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Week 3

(7th June - 13th June)

  • Studied about the Zephyr GPIO API.
  • Implemented setup() and loop() to execute according to the Arduino flow.
  • Implemented pinMode() and digitalWrite() after having a basic idea of how blink LED works in zephyr. As of now these functions only work for te onboard LED.
  • Tested the Blink LED arduino-style example on the nano ble sense 33.
  • Started working on I2C implementation. Taking inspiration from Mbed OS, Started writing a Wire.h in the libraries folder. This aims to implement all the necessary functions needed for using I2C via the Arduino API. In future, there are hopes to add support for the ADS1115-driver (written for arduino-env) which communicates via I2C.
  • Created place holder functions in Wire.h and tested that everything builds successfully so far.