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GSoC’22- Arduino module based on Zephyr


The project idea was to create a Zephyr module that leverages the Arduino Core API so that a developer can use Zephyr as the underlying OS while they keep using the Arduino framework on Arduino-compatible devices.


Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Documentation
  3. Achieved Milestones
  4. Challenges Faced
  5. Pull Requests
  6. Future Scope
  7. Benefit
  8. Additional Links


The Zephyr RTOS is based on a small-footprint kernel designed for use on resource-constrained and embedded systems: from simple embedded environmental sensors and LED wearables to sophisticated embedded controllers, smart watches, and IoT wireless applications.

Zephyr intends to provide all components needed to develop resource-constrained and embedded or microcontroller-based applications. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • A small kernel
  • A flexible configuration and build system for compile-time definition of required resources and modules
  • A set of protocol stacks (IPv4 and IPv6, Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP), LwM2M, MQTT, 802.15.4, Thread, Bluetooth Low Energy, CAN)
  • A virtual file system interface with several flash file systems for non-volatile storage (FatFs, LittleFS, NVS) Management and device firmware update mechanisms.

This in union with the Arduino Ecosystem unlocks a whole new platform for engineers and DIY enthusiasts alike to do rapid prototyping but still use a robust and advanced RTOS like zephyr without getting into too much specific implementation details.

Project Preview

The basic goal is to have almost any top of the shelf arduino tutorial/ libaries to work with zephyr. We have many samples which almost completely resemble the code that you would write inside the Arduino IDE. Shown below is a code snippet of a basic press a button to turn on LED sample,

 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

/* Button Press turns on inbuilt LED example */

#include <Arduino.h>

const int buttonPin = D9; // the number of the pushbutton pin
const int ledPin = 13;    // the number of the LED pin

// variables will change:
int buttonState = 0; // variable for reading the pushbutton status

void setup() {
  // initialize the LED pin as an output:
  pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);
  // initialize the pushbutton pin as an input:
  pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT);

void loop() {
  // read the state of the pushbutton value:
  buttonState = digitalRead(buttonPin);

  // check if the pushbutton is pressed. If it is, the buttonState is HIGH:
  if (buttonState == HIGH) {
    // turn LED on:
    digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);
  } else {
    // turn LED off:
    digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);

For more samples, just visit the sample/ folder on the project’s github page

External libraries like Wire has also been developed for I2C which enables usage of any sensor that communicates over IIC! This way you can literally pick any library out there for your sensor and it will fit right in with your zephyr development flow.


This project can be roughly abstracted in the form of a block diagram shown below,

As seen, we have used the Arduino Core APIs as an abstraction layer to the actual zephyr APIs. However the build process used is Zephyr’s meta-tool: west. West is a very easy to use command line tool which aids in almost everything from multiple repository management system, to building applications, flashing and debugging them.

Using west, the Zephyr meta tool, Arduino sketches can be compiled and flashed to your target board. Beyond core functions, the addition of an RTOS opens up the ability to use multiple threads in Arduino. A sample has been developed in the project’s repository here: threads_arduino

The entire project has been documented in the project’s README as well as Documentation folder.

Additionally, A short youtube video covers how to use this module. Do check it out here.

Achieved Milestones

The milestones reached in the project thus far include:

  • Arduino Digital GPIO functions (e.g.: pinmode, digitalRead, digitalWrite)
  • Arduino time functions (e.g.: delay, millis)
  • I2C support via the Wire library API (works with external Arduino libraries)
  • A DeviceTree framework for mapping Arduino header pins to any Zephyr boards
  • Serial.println and print support

Pull Requests

  1. gpio: adds basic digital i/o support
  2. restructure: use variants folder
  3. Add multithreading sample
  4. Add Documentation
  5. start writing Serial wrapper
  6. Update cmakelists in all samples
  7. Add I2C Support in the form of Wire Library
  8. zephyrSerial: Add more print variants
  9. zephyrCommon: Implement yield()

Other than the above merged PRs, there are pending PRs to add more boards/variants support. Please visit the project’s Pull Requests to view them and/or add your own variants to the list!

Challenges Faced

  • Figuring out West. Although West: Zephyr’s Meta tool is very powerful and robust, it still has it’s own learning curve. I had to study about how zephyr modules actually work. A module in Zephyr is sort of like installing an App on your mobile! However, this “App” has a structure that needs to be carefully defined or else Zephyr might potentially not even find where this app is/ not include it while building your project. Secondly, How external modules are to be loaded and how code is to be written in these modules was something I had to deep dive into as well. To summarize my findings, The two most important things for your module to work is the KConfig options and the CMakeLists.txt’s. Imagine CMakelists is like a huge spider web that helps the build system locate and go through wherever your source files are and automatically link everything together! It really eases the build process because the Code can be very well abstracted in terms of the headers it uses, while still not throwing a hundred header not found errors! The Kconfig options help you enable all the features and libraries that you may need from Zephyr or in general, does the job of deciding which libraries to statically compile when you build your projects. However, having a different config for every sample again meant that we were making the end user’s job more complicated and this might not be most intuitive stuff to dive in especially for a newcomer. Hence, the idea of a module.conf file was discussed wherein all the required Kconfig options would be declared, thus eliminating the need to figuring out which KConfigs are needed to successfully compile the module along with your project.

  • Device Trees are one of the very unique features of Zephyr RTOS. Inorder to fully leverage the power of Zephyr, and re-use the boards that it already supports, but in a more cleaner and elegant manner, my mentor Mike intrduced me to the concept of Device Tree Overlays in Zephyr. Having worked briefly with DT Overlays in my previus GSOC I was mildly familiar with the concept, but far from writing entire Overlays on my own! However, after looking at a sample device tree made by Mike, and understanding how they link with the connector DTSI files I was finally able to get a handle on how device tree overlays work and why they should be used in this project. Now, to save future contributors the trouble of figuring out how overlays work on their own, we have provided documentation in the project’s repo along with examples of multiple variants to refer to.

  • Locating DT Overlays. Well, great that you’ve added your own variant and written your own DT Overlay. But, now how does the compiler know what your overlay you’ve written and where it is? To solve this issue, you can pass a commandline argument in Zephyr,
    west build -b boardname -DDTC_OVERLAY_FILE=$(PATH_TO_OVERLAY)/boardname.overlay

    But hey, the goal of this project was to make things simpler for the user and not burden them with all these details! After a week of brainstorming and studying the Docs, I was finally able to come up with an elegant-enough CMakeLists setting that basically helped automatically locate the overlay for the user without needing to specify along with the west command!

  • Inorder to use the APIs, a good understanding of C++ OOPs concepts was essential. This is where my learnings from my previous GSoC experience really came in handy as I was already well acquainted with Abstract Base classes and virtual function. An example can be seen in the Wire library. Here, functions like virtual size_t write, read() , peak() were already virtual inside the Arduino Core API. However the implementation is absent as is the definition of the keyword virtual. Inorder to get hints as to how to proceed with the implementation I took help of the Arduino MBED This really gave me a good perspective on how I could maintain standardization by keeping the structure and methods similar. However, the uniqueness was in the fact that all of this project’s implementation were in the form of Zephyr APIs rather than MBed. This meant digging through Zephyr Documentation for all the equivalent functions, figuring out things like ring buffers and how they are used, and it was an overall deep dive into how I2C works in Zephyr as well as in general.

  • The scope and “variable declared multiple times” errors. It was very important to keep in mind the arduino namespace. Namespaces are used to organize code into logical groups and to prevent name collisions that can occur especially when your code base includes multiple libraries like was the case in this project. Coming to the issue of multiple declarations, this is where I truly learned the value of the “extern” keyword. Extern variable says to compiler ” go outside my scope and you will find the definition of the variable that I declared.” For example, in Wire.h
    extern arduino::ZephyrI2C Wire;

    we declare Wire to be extern, and then in Wire.cpp we actually define it. By using the extern keyword with a variable, we can use the variable anywhere in the program provided we include it’s declaration the variable is defined somewhere

Future Scope

The heavy lifting of integrating the Arduino core with Zephyr has already been completed and is working well. But to use this, you must already have a Zephyr workspace installed (and know how to use it). Sure, Zephyr Documentations has a quickstart that helps install Zephyr, but the ability to use this project from the Arduino IDE is desirable for existing Arduino users.

Unfortunately, there isn’t time left to work this level of integration. But contributions to the program are welcome and hope that future contributors will take on this task.

There is also low-hanging fruit when it comes to implementing the most-used Arduino functions. For instance, random numbers, bits and bytes, and math functions should all be trivial to get working. More ambitious contributors may consider mapping the Zephyr ADC system to analogRead() and analogWrite().


Quoting Jonathan Beri,

Arduino’s popularity is renowned as a popular framework for providing a simplified interface to program embedded devices. Recently, Arduino adopted mbed OS as the base RTOS for some of their newer devices. With that work, they separated out Arduino Core as an independent abstraction layer from Arduino Core for mbed. This opens up the possibility for leveraging Arduino Core on other OSes.


  • This project starts an effort to use Arduino APIs as well as advanced Zephyr capabilities.
  • It enables a broader set of devices than the standard Arduino ecosystem thanks to Zephyrs’ device support.
  • In future perhaps we will also have the ability to re-use Arduino tools like the Arduino IDE and wealth of libraries that it offers.